Vitae Diagnostics
Our mission at Vitae Diagnostics is to provide our clients with the most accurate results in the least amount of time possible.
Our staff is a group of experienced professionals each specializing in a specific area of service in the health sector. Each staff member is active in their field and has current certifications.
Areas of Expertise
Sam Kabbani founded Vitae Diagnostics. With over 25 years of professional experience in clinical laboratories, Sam holds a Masters in Health Sciences and a BS in Medical Technology both from the University of South Carolina.
Clinical Laboratory Scientist (California DHS )
Medical Technologist American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
Clinical Lab Scientist - National Certification Agency for Medical Laboratory Personnel (NCA)
Clinical Lab Technologist (CLT) National Human Services (NHS)
Experience in financial and operational management of laboratory with proven records of cost savings and quality improvement.
Experience in clinical trial and CRO contracts.
IT and LIS experience(programming training and operations)
Experience in IVF.

Professional Affiliations
American Society for Clinical Pathology
College of American Pathologist
Clinical Diagnosis Professional Network (CDPN)
Laboratory Professionals
Laboratory Automation
Laboratory Management Professionals -
Meditech Professionals of Healthcare IT World
Contact Us
Tel: 310.376.5812
Fax: 310.598.2120
3838 Del Amo Blvd, No 202
Torrance, California 90503
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM